Friday 22 March 2013

Journal 4

All of these are photos of my families more than hundred year old piano in our family room.

This photo had a small aperture (large opening), and because of this there is a small depth of field and much of the photo is out of focus.

This photo had a medium aperture, and while the music book and ledge of the piano are focused, some of the keys is out of focus.

My final photo had a large aperture (small opening) and the whole photo was in focus, showing that there was a large depth of field.  

Thursday 7 March 2013

Journal #3

Eadweard Muybridge greatly influenced the futurist painters through his breakthrough photographic series "The Horse in Motion". Prior to these photos, galloping horses would be depicted in more of a "rocking horse" position. With photographic evidence of how a horse runs, it allowed artists to depict horses in a more life like style. This also inspired many artists to bring more of a sense of movement to their paintings, by blurring legs or wheels on bikes.
Muybridge also influenced the futurists with his chronilogical series of photographs, as the futurists followed this style themselves.This enabled both Eadweard Muybridge and the futurist painters to tell a chronological story through their art.

All of these photos show movement. In the first painting, the wheels on the bike have swishes around them to give the illusion of movement. Eadweard Muybridge's two photos show both the man and the caribou picking up their feet and then a moment when all of their feet are off the ground. The final image, another futurist painting, also shows movement with the blurred feet of the dog and person, as well as the blurred leash.